Voting Systems


Friends and I have a group where we watch movies. We often have issues choosing what to watch so we were discussing ways that we could optimize the problem. Eventually we landed on the idea of using some kind of polling or voting system to achieve this, however we didn’t really like the existing options because we wanted to be able to do more complex voting methodologies than just majority vote.

After a couple hours of research I learned a lot more about voting methodologies in general and then wondered if there was a reasonable way to generalize the problem.


This ballot definition is reasonably comprehensive for complex ballots, but doesn’t really cover Pairwise/Condorcet voting without making a bunch of copies. Could maybe be an option at the poll level though?

class BallotOption
  id: UUID
  name: String
  description: String | Null
  # TODO: define mutual exclusion between options? (Skip for now. Can add later)

enum BallotStatus

class BallotDefinition
  id: UUID
  name: String
  description: String | Null
  options: BallotOption[]
  # some version stuff and poll relational info

  status: BallotStatus

  planned_open_time: Timestamp | Null
  planned_close_time: Timestamp | Null

  open_time: Timestamp | Null
  close_time: Timestamp | Null

  # Maximum and minimum scores available for each option
  # maximum_score != minimum_score
  maximum_score: Integer = 1 # >= 0
  minimum_score: Integer = 0 # <=0

  # How many options can be picked?
  # must_choose can be bigger than length(options) to force write-ins
  must_choose: Integer = 0
  can_choose: Integer = 1 # >= must_choose
  can_write_in: Integer = 1 # Number of allowed write-ins

  # Number of scores that must be unique at top/bottom
  top_unique_scores: Integer = 0
  bottom_unique_scores: Integer = 0
  # TODO: maybe should be like # per score? (that would be very high ballot complexity)

  # Points pool
  points_pool: Integer = 0 # 0 = don't use points pool
  must_allocate: Integer = 0
  can_allocate: Integer = 1
  write_in_points: Boolean = False # True if write-ins pull from points pool

  # vote_cost = (count(votes_for_option) * points_multiplier) ^ points_power
  # i.e. 1x^1 = linear; 2x^1 = doubling; 1x^2 = quadratic
  points_multiplier: Integer = 1 # >= 1
  points_power: Integer = 1 # >= 1

#TODO: still missing a way to encode round? (could be handled by poll or a relational table)

class WriteInOption
  id: UUID  # needed to reference it in scores/etc
  text: String
  points_allocated: Integer = 0  # only used if ballot uses points
  verified: Boolean = False  # if write-ins need admin verification

class BallotResponse
  id: UUID
  ballot_definition_id: UUID
  voter_id: UUID

  scores: Map<UUID, Integer>  # maps both regular and write-in option IDs to scores
  write_ins: WriteInOption[]

  submitted_at: Timestamp

  is_valid: Boolean
  validation_errors: array of String

Election Definition

should support multiple ballots so that ballots can be grouped together

I originally tried to take a similar approach as the ballot definition and apply it to the overall poll/election description, however I think it is a much harder solution space to “close”. Perhaps it is better to be able to define a series of steps for how to evaluate the election result.


TODO: maybe also compare to normal distribution, etc.? Other types of statistical analysis?

Risk-limiting Audits

Security and Anonymity

Users should be able to preserve as much anonymity as possible. Cascade permissions upwards to that no more than $n$ people are within a certain category at the end? I have a lot more thoughts here that I need to put down

Other Thoughts

Imported Notes

messy long-form notes again. several months have passed:

Voting Systems

Can Handle Directly:

Can’t Handle Directly: (These should be possible to handle but would require using multiple ballot or ballot responses per user. Doable but maybe goal should not be to start with these.)

System Level (Not Ballot Definition):

Voting criteria / evaluations

Majority Criterion: Does the system elect the candidate who has a majority of first-preference votes?

Condorcet Criterion: Does the system always elect the Condorcet winner, if one exists (a candidate who would beat each of the other candidates in a head-to-head contest)?

Monotonicity: Will voting a candidate higher in one’s preference never hurt that candidate or help a lower-ranked candidate?

Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives (IIA): Does the outcome of the election depend only on voters’ preferences between the actual available options, not on irrelevant or non-competing alternatives?

Proportionality: For multi-seat elections, does the system reflect the proportion of the votes in the allocation of seats?

Cloning Criterion: Will cloning (running a similar candidate) never hurt nor unfairly benefit the original candidate?

Participation Criterion: Will a voter never cause an outcome they consider worse by choosing to vote versus abstaining?

Consistency: If the electorate is divided into two (or more) groups and each group’s election result is the same, will that candidate still win the overall election?

Resistance to Tactical Voting (Strategy-Proofness): How susceptible is the system to strategic voting, where casting a vote not according to genuine preference could result in a more favored outcome?

Simplicity: How easy is it for voters to understand the voting process and for officials to administer the election?

Voter Satisfaction Efficiency: How well does the system maximize voter satisfaction or utility?

Potential definition elements?

Number of Winners: Single-winner versus multi-winner systems. Ballot Type: Categorical (Choose one or more, like in FPTP, Approval, Cumulative)

Ordinal (Rank-order preference, like in IRV, STV, Condorcet Methods)

Cardinal (Score each option, like in Score Voting, STAR Voting)

Winner Determination: Plurality (Highest vote count wins, like in FPTP) Majority (More than 50% needed, employed in Runoff systems) Supermajority (A higher than 50% threshold) Quota (Proportional representation systems like STV use a quota)

Runoff Type: None (Single round, winner determined immediately) Sequential Elimination (like in IRV) Top-Two (like in a Two-Round System) Exhaustive Ballot (where several rounds of voting are held until someone wins a majority)

Maximum Runoff Count: Specifies the number of runoff rounds permitted, which could be unlimited until a winner emerges, or fixed.

Threshold or Quota System: The minimum percentage or vote count a candidate must achieve for election (used in systems like STV or List PR).

Redistribution Method: How votes are transferred in multi-round systems or in quota systems upon reaching a threshold (like in STV, IRV).

Tie-Breaking Rules: Rules for breaking ties between candidates with equal votes.

District Magnitude: The number of representatives elected in each district (relevant for multi-winner systems).

Level of Proportionality: Purely proportional, semi-proportional, or non-proportional representation.

Seat Allocation Method: How seats are assigned to parties or candidates in multi-winner systems (like D’Hondt, Sainte-Laguë).


Evaluation steps.

Collect Preferences: Operation: Gather voter preferences (could be ranking, rating, selection, etc.).

Initial Tally: Operation: Apply an initial counting method to the preferences (e.g., tally first preferences, sum scores).

Check for Winner(s): Operation: Determine if a candidate(s) meets the winning criteria (majority, plurality, supermajority, quota).

If no winner(s) is found: Conditional Operation: Trigger a process for either redistribution or runoff, depending on the system.

Redistribution/Runoff: (a) Redistribute votes according to the system’s rules (e.g., transfer surplus or redistribute from eliminated). (b) Conduct additional rounds of voting (runoffs) if necessary.

Re-evaluate Winner(s): Operation: Return to step 3 until the winner(s) is determined.

Final Results: Operation: Declare the winner(s) based on the accumulated tallies from previous steps.

Tie-breaking (if necessary): Operation: Apply tie-breaking rules specific to the system in question.

Ballot Type: Categorical, Ordinal, Cardinal.